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Animals, like people, benefit from Reiki. Whether you have cats, dogs, birds, fish, ferrets, horses, or other larger animals, you can use Reiki to help your pets. 

Any animal that receives regular grooming from a human is probably receptive to being touched for Reiki. If you want to give Reiki to an animal who is not usually touched, such as fish or wild animals, use techniques where you give Reiki from afar, such as beaming and distance Reiki.

Reiki works well with animals for the same reasons it works well on people of all ages. Have you ever noticed that when you pet an animal, he rolls over to receive more or looks at you with lovey-dovey eyes or sighs?

Animals respond to your loving touch and intention. Reiki is another way to help your animals feel better.


You can give Reiki to animals in the following situations:

  • When you want them to receive energy healing for a happier, healthier life

  • When they are ill: Reiki helps the healing process and works with any type of medical intervention

  • When they are young or old: you can use Reiki on an animal of any age or situation

  • When they have been through a trauma: animals can use loving energy after they’ve experienced any type of abuse, loss, or move, or if they seem to exhibit depression or other behavioural disorder. Even if you don’t know what the problem is, you can use Reiki to help




Reiki is a form of energy healing that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. According to the International Center for Reiki Training, the practice is based on the idea that we all have an unseen “life force energy” flowing through our bodies. A Reiki practitioner gently moves her hands just above or on the client’s clothed body, helping reduce stress and promote healing by encouraging a healthy flow of energy.  

It is linked to a range of physical and emotional health benefits, including better sleep, improved mood, and pain relief. Research suggests Reiki helps your body return to a state of relaxation, which allows it to heal from damage brought on by stress, injury, or disease. There’s evidence that Reiki, used as a complementary therapy with other standard medical techniques, can help people recover after surgery and manage symptoms of cancer and AIDS.

Reiki sessions vary in length, but mine often last between 30 and 40 minutes. You’ll spend the entire session lying fully clothed, but if you’re pregnant or otherwise can’t lie flat, you may be in a recliner.

It is recommended to wear loose, comfortable clothing for your session. Try to avoid wearing anything tight or restrictive. During the session, the practitioner will place his or her hands lightly on or near your body in a series of hand positions, including positions around the head and shoulders, the stomach, and the feet, as well as other positions based on the client’s needs. Each hand position is held for roughly 3 to 10 minutes, depending on how much the client needs in each position. 

Expect to feel deeply relaxed during the session. You’ll likely daydream, and you may even fall into a light sleep. “Sometimes people will say, ‘Oh, I fell asleep,’ but I’m not sure it’s physiological sleep,”.

 Instead, she believes people enter a deep meditative state that helps restore the nervous system.




Distance Reiki can be sent to anyone, anywhere and at any time—though permission should be invoked or received in some way. When I'm performing Reiki on someone who is not present, I'll typically work with the recipient's photo and a surrogate object. Other practitioners, however, might have some other way since Reiki energy can be sent to anyone simply by directing thoughts and energy to that person or animal.



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